Founding a chapter is a great time for members of Theta Nu Xi to interact with and get to know the institution and the interested individuals on campus. During the expansion process, an institution is vetted to understand the Fraternity and Sorority Life policies and procedures and to ensure that the campus' values and culture align with Theta Nu Xi's mission. Once an institution is approved for Expansion, Theta Nu Xi begins laying the foundation for a future chapter.
Recruitment events and activities led by members of Theta Nu Xi's recruitment team that are anchored in our mission and tenets
Forming a group of interested students who will be invited to participate in invite-only events with members of Theta Nu Xi in order to get to know one another, and participate in activities surrounding the mission and tenets of Theta Nu Xi, as well as build relationships.
Formal application, interview, and intake processes are led exclusively by members of Theta Nu Xi where interests will explore our history, legacy, rituals, and traditions, as well as foster bonds of sisterhood.
New Member Emergence to showcase the strengths and accomplishments of the newly formed chapter.
An ideal institution would be one that values and adequately supports womxn, students of color, and students who belong to historically marginalized groups. The institution should have an established Multicultural Greek Council or interest in forming one, along with the resources to support multicultural student organizations. Additionally, the institution should provide opportunities to participate as leaders in major organizational decision-making as it pertains to Greek Life.
Interests must exemplify our principles and be committed to living out our values with vision, purpose, and heart.
Interests must be willing to work together to develop the culture, brand, and foundation for the potential charter of Theta Nu Xi.
Interests must have completed a full semester (12 credit hours) and be enrolled as a full-time student working towards a Bachelor's degree.
A minimum of a 3.0/4.0 GPA is required (exceptions can be made at the discretion of Theta Nu Xi).
Interests cannot be a member of any other collegiate fraternal organization except for a purely honorary, professional, or service organization.
Graduate, Alumnae, and Professional (GAP) interests are the backbone of Theta Nu Xi. As a GAP member, you will have the opportunity to serve your local community, your local chapter, your region, and/or nationally. From leadership opportunities to networking, national convention, regional conference offerings, and more, Theta Nu Xi offers opportunities to grow on an individual and professional level.
Graduate Interest - A person that is currently enrolled in a graduate program.
Alumni - A member of Theta Nu Xi that joined the organization as an Undergraduate Chapter. Alumnae members are not required to repeat the intake process and are able to create or transition to a local chapter. Additionally, GAP-initiated members are also able to create or transition to any local chapter.
Profession Interest - A person that has at least 5 years of professional work experience.

Joining or starting a chapter is a great time for members of Theta Nu Xi to interact with and get to know the interested individuals.
Recruitment events and activities led by members of Theta Nu Xi are anchored in our mission and tenets.
Attending invite-only events with members of Theta Nu Xi in order to get to know one another, participate in activities surrounding the mission and tenets of Theta Nu Xi, as well as to build relationships.
Formal application, interview, and intake processes are led exclusively by members of Theta Nu Xi where interests will explore our history, legacy, rituals, and traditions, as well as foster bonds of sisterhood.
New Member Emergence to showcase the strengths and accomplishments of the newly formed chapter.
Interests must exemplify our principles and be committed to living out our values with vision, purpose, and heart.
Interests must be willing to work together to develop the culture, brand, and foundation for the potential charter of Theta Nu Xi.
Interests must have completed a full semester (12 credit hours) and be enrolled as a full-time student working towards a Bachelor's degree.
Interests cannot be a member of any other collegiate fraternal organization except for a purely honorary, professional, or service organization.